Learning to code in Spacemacs
February 20, 2021
This started a while ago when I first got into vim, or more specifically neovim. The reason that I started using vim-like editors was because I bought a gpd-pocket in order to act as a pocket pc/journaling device and while windows ran well on it the “mouse” was mediocre at best and I found that editing files using vim in the powershell was most of what I was doing on it. So I switched to a linux distro, got a window manager as I didn’t have enough space to resize windows as got to work. I got a developement environment to work in neovim using plugins but found myself constantly trying to emulate and find different plugins that do what I want in neovim, this became tedious and so I decided to try out spacemacs.
Problem 1:
While trying to code a blog in gatsbyjs the development script kept crashing due to something emacs would put beside the file when you change it but before you save. The solution was found here:
Apperantly it was a link instead of an actual file. The solution that worked for me was adding this line to my dotfile.
(setq create-lockfiles nil)
I tried to configure the gatsby-config to ignore the .#myfile files but that didn’t work no matter what I put in the ignore secion and just making emacs not spawn these files, seems to be the best solution as it will work into the future.
Getting magit to work:
The standard action of stage all, commit and push changes in git:
space-g-s // to open git status. S // to stage all changes. c-c // Now you write a commit message. Z-Z // Save commit message and commit changes.
How to get a filetree to open
space-p-t // toggles treemacs, need to figure out how to remove projects from it
Things that need to be investigated:
How to open projects more easily, or to get projects to show up when doing the projectile-helm command (space-p-h).